“My new vocation matured”

After advice from his spiritual director, Fr Cavoli went to the Salesian house in Rimini, and in his conversation with the Rector at the time, Fr Gavinelli, he was given the gift of a Life of Don Bosco and the Salesian Constitutions.

The Diocese was much opposed to losing him. But having overcome this, he went to the Salesian novitiate at Genzano near Rome, where he found aspirants and novices who were very much younger than he was.

On 15 January 1922, he made his religious profession, and was sent as a Salesian confrere to the house in Perugia still under construction. He experienced three years of youth pastoral ministry here, harbouring the idea of leaving for the foreign missions. After discussion with Fr Philip Rinaldi, he decided to go to Japan

The words of his talk that made most impression on me were “They run and jump with the young people.” And I decided to visit their Institute immediately.

(Autobiography, The guidance of my spiritual director)

From the Bishop's Palace I went to the Cathedral, to see again that Chapel in which, six years earlier, I had received my Priestly Ordination, and fix my eyes full of thanksgiving on that statue of Our Lady of Mercy.(…) Rarely had I felt such joy and filial gratitude towards Our Lady.

(Autobiography, Another storm)

One day the Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr. Philip Rinaldi, came to visit. He called me, and with that sweetness and paternal kindness characteristic of him, asked me if I felt like taking part in a missionary expedition to Japan.

(Autobiography, In Perugia)